InterConnection Australia , a connected community linking adventure and achievement
InterConnection Australia was founded in May 2003 by a group of dedicated individuals who developed a unique and innovative camp holiday program designed to give Australian youth the opportunity to have a vacation but also learn new skills, make new friends and develop self respect and confidence in their ability to achieve their goals whether it is at school or work, on the sporting field or at home.
Over the past 19 years, InterConnection Australia has earned a reputation for developing and delivering a caring and bespoke approach to assisting young people navigate often difficult and challenging circumstances and events in their lives. The InterConnection Australia team strive to achieve this by delivering on our purpose to provide a "connected community for our young people, volunteers and stakeholder agencies".
We are committed to working collaboratively with our stakeholder agencies, volunteers and most importantly the young people who attend our programs as well as their parents, carers and families.
The InterConnection Australia Executive Team has collectively over 35 years experience in the Outdoor Education & Recreation and Community Services industries, specifically in providing quality youth focused programs in a uniquely Australian outdoor environment. The dedication and commitment to the organisation's mission statement, and more importantly the young people and their families who attend our programs and events, ensures that InterConnection Australia remains a reputable and highly regarded Australian non-profit organisation within the wider community.
InterConnection Australia Executive Team
Alice McKenzie | Chief Operating Officer & Camp Director
Isaac Page | Chief Financial Officer
Anna Sigurjonsson | Client Service Manager
Ph: 0428 888 815 | [email protected]
Emily Lansdowne | People & Culture Manager
Dylan Howell | Operations Manager
Nicholas Hooker | Operations Manager (Equipment & Service)
Josh Judson | Fundraising & Inclusion Manager
Caitlin Beattie | Business Administration & Risk Manager